Natal Fever

Musings, opinions, history, local & national news and a few rants.


Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Aftermath 

I've spent the best part of today trying to wrap up Russell's Estate.  But, as with all things legal, the wheels turn ever so slowly.  I have done what I can and now I have to wait for replies to all my emails inquiring whether the Estate owes money to creditors.  It's a sad dreary business and since my wife and I are the sole beneficiaries I feel as if I'm grave robbing.

I also have difficulty dealing with the concept that my Son is now 'nothing'  I understand it was very difficult during the development of mathematics to come to terms with zero.....'nothing'.  It's how I feel now that there is nothing left of a life that once was.  A person who lived, breathed, felt the warmth of sunshine, had original thoughts and interacted with his friends and family.

I hate the idea that he now has no sensation and no notion that he had a life, was alive and now is dead.  My scientific mind allows me no other path and it troubles me greatly.


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