Natal Fever

Musings, opinions, history, local & national news and a few rants.


Sunday, July 06, 2014


The short-term loan company, Wonga, seems to be in the news at the moment.  I know it operates locally but I have not felt the need, or necessity, to use their services.

In Durban we have Whoonga which is something very different.  I think it is dagga (marijuana) based and it has additives such as Anti Retro-viral medication and anything else that can be ground up, mixed with dagga, rolled and smoked.

It is the staple fix for a group of unregistered immigrants from surrounding countries.  They used to congregate in Albert Park - which is close to the CBD - but have been 'moved-on' and have taken up station at Botha Gardens near the city campus of the Durban University of Technology where they gather and get stoned.  This all to the annoyance of the locals who dash off long angry epistles that appear in the local press. 

We have an international conference of Architects starting here in about four weeks time.  I think the whoonga mob will disappear much as the street children did for the Football World Cup. Where to I have no idea.


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