Natal Fever

Musings, opinions, history, local & national news and a few rants.


Monday, July 14, 2014

Another Tough Day

It was another tough day in Africa.  A blissful day time temp of  22 degrees and tonight will be a freezing 11 degrees.  It was a windless day as well and the sun was warm and therapeutic.  I pity those who live in less agreeable parts of the world where one has to resort to alcohol to see through the the dark winter months of the northern hemisphere.  Those of a marginal turn of mind get depressed and even commit suicide from lack of light or alcohol or both.  As Billy Connelly says 'Scotland has two seasons.  June and winter!'

But to counter all this some parts of the world that have a stereotype image of continual permafrost surprise me.  I have friends in British Columbia near Vancouver who tell be the temperature on Saturday was 40 degrees.  Beat that! We don't get that here thanks to the Indian Ocean.

I hope your day tomorrow is great.  I'll think of you.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Aftermath 

I've spent the best part of today trying to wrap up Russell's Estate.  But, as with all things legal, the wheels turn ever so slowly.  I have done what I can and now I have to wait for replies to all my emails inquiring whether the Estate owes money to creditors.  It's a sad dreary business and since my wife and I are the sole beneficiaries I feel as if I'm grave robbing.

I also have difficulty dealing with the concept that my Son is now 'nothing'  I understand it was very difficult during the development of mathematics to come to terms with zero.....'nothing'.  It's how I feel now that there is nothing left of a life that once was.  A person who lived, breathed, felt the warmth of sunshine, had original thoughts and interacted with his friends and family.

I hate the idea that he now has no sensation and no notion that he had a life, was alive and now is dead.  My scientific mind allows me no other path and it troubles me greatly.

Sunday, July 06, 2014


The short-term loan company, Wonga, seems to be in the news at the moment.  I know it operates locally but I have not felt the need, or necessity, to use their services.

In Durban we have Whoonga which is something very different.  I think it is dagga (marijuana) based and it has additives such as Anti Retro-viral medication and anything else that can be ground up, mixed with dagga, rolled and smoked.

It is the staple fix for a group of unregistered immigrants from surrounding countries.  They used to congregate in Albert Park - which is close to the CBD - but have been 'moved-on' and have taken up station at Botha Gardens near the city campus of the Durban University of Technology where they gather and get stoned.  This all to the annoyance of the locals who dash off long angry epistles that appear in the local press. 

We have an international conference of Architects starting here in about four weeks time.  I think the whoonga mob will disappear much as the street children did for the Football World Cup. Where to I have no idea.


I keep hearing about this so time to have a look.  Most interest seems to stem from China followed by North America.  So Google here I come.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Peripheral Neuropathy

I suffer from peripheral neuropathy in both feet.  The burning sensation drives me demented and also means that I don't sleep very well.  Warm conditions seem to make it worse.

My GP tends to avoid the issue and we get sidetracked into other things such as blood pressure and cholesterol.  I've tried Degranol and Trepiline which both offer some relief at first and then, with time, the pain and discomfort returns.

Any good ideas out there?

Thursday, July 03, 2014


I see many search references for the Latin word 'Tempus' lead viewers to this Blog.  It is possibly a search for 'Tempus Fugit' (Time Flies etc)  But why end up here?

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

This has to be the best time of the year in Durban.  The days are bright, sunny and warm.  The nights are cool enough for a blanket and a good sleep sans mosquitoes and other things that scuttle about in summer time.

We are set for a family get-together soon as my oldest Son is visiting from Australia (the place where all our children are) and my youngest is coming down from Johannesburg. I think my oldest Boy is seeking further understanding of his brother's death and from this will find some form of closure.

Whilst all are here we intend to take Russell's ashes down to our family cemetery at Renishaw and scatter them there to be in the presence of five generations of ancestors.  I hope this brings some peace of mind to us all.  More on this later.

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