Natal Fever

Musings, opinions, history, local & national news and a few rants.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

In the Summer Time.........

It's been a long time since I've posted anything on this site. So as Mark Twain said 'the report of my death is greatly exaggerated' Yes some things did die in the interim, some passions waned and some relationships were revealed to be superficial. Fortunately most things that really matter have stayed constant and minor reversals that are part of the dynamics of life forced necessary stock taking and a clearance of a redundant item or two.

Ah..yes.. having got that out of the way it's the season of advent again. The advent of the great summer sloth where people declare that work is evil and to be avoided. We eat too much, drink too much and spend too much money that we haven't yet earned. Then comes January and we encounter the Ghost of Christmas Past. Not as revealed by Jacob Marley but the account for our pleasures as detailed on the credit card statement.

But this is taking a morbid turn and it wasn't meant to happen so the weather is always a good standby topic.

Yes indeed summer is here. The mossies zing and the frogs croak with throaty gusto. The geckos crap on my books and papers and the campaign against wood borer is in full swing and..yes... I even heard some christmas beetles yesterday. Then there are the sun touched among us who declare the weather to be lekker. So if you like your lover sweaty then life, lust and beer are the order of the day. Throw in some skinny dipping and then indeed it's sub-tropical nirvana.

Cheers, beers and love to those who matter.


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